Intraoral Hematoma Formation Following Infusion Of Streptokinase In The Treatment Of Myocardial Infarction

Intraoral Hematoma Formation Following Infusion Of Streptokinase


  • Dr. Manjunath Reddy
  • Dr. Sharanabasappa Japatti
  • Dr.Anuradha Bhatsange
  • Dr.Sandesh Gosavi


intraoral hematoma, local therapy, streptokinase


A 65 year old female with recent inferior wall MI underwent an intravenous streptokinase infusion in an attempt to re-establish coronary reperfusion. Although the cardiac catheterization and streptokinase infusion were technically uncomplicated, an intraoral hematoma was found in the buccal mucosal oral cavity three hours following the procedure. The case was successfully managed with local therapy. [Reddy M NJIRM 2014; 5(2) :133-135]


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How to Cite

Reddy, D. M., Japatti, D. S., Bhatsange, D., & Gosavi, D. (2018). Intraoral Hematoma Formation Following Infusion Of Streptokinase In The Treatment Of Myocardial Infarction: Intraoral Hematoma Formation Following Infusion Of Streptokinase. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 5(2), 134–136. Retrieved from



Case Report