Expecting The Unexpected

Expecting The Unexpected


  • Dr. Tagdiwala Dhagash P MDS, Endodontist, Private Practice In Mumbai
  • Dr. Bhagwat Sumita A Professor, Dept. Of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, DYPU College Of Dentistry, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, India
  • Dr. Menon Leena MDS, Pedodontist, Private Practice In Mumbai


two canals, mandibular incisors, mandibular anterior teeth


Report of unusual presentation of two root canals in all the mandibular anterior teeth in a single patient. Incidence of two canals in individual mandibular anterior teeth ranges from 5-37% but all six anterior teeth showing two canals is a rare finding and is seen in less then 5% of the population. We report Endodontic management of such case. Conclusion: Successful endodontic therapy of a tooth demands that a dentist should have a thorough knowledge of the root canal morphology, making it mandatory towards proper radiographic evaluation and diagnosis of the status of the pulp canals as well as periapical areas. Improper diagnostic protocol may lead to failure of Endodontic treatment. The case presented here shows successful root canal treatment of all the mandibular anterior teeth with two root canals each. The frequency of mandibular anterior teeth having two root canals varies from 5% to 37 % in different populations. Pulp space anatomy of mandibular anterior teeth shows high incidence of complexity which includes variation in canal configurations, number of canals and presence of isthmus. Thorough knowledge of root canal anatomy and morphology, additional radiographs taken at different angles and correct interpretation of radiographs is mandatory [Tagdiwala D Natl J Integr Res Med, 2020; 12(1):99-104]




How to Cite

Dr. Tagdiwala Dhagash P, Dr. Bhagwat Sumita A, & Dr. Menon Leena. (2021). Expecting The Unexpected: Expecting The Unexpected. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 12(1), 99–104. Retrieved from https://www.nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/3005



Case Report