A Histomorphological Study of Resected Mediastinal Tumors

A Histomorphological Study of Resected Mediastinal Tumors


  • Nitesh Mohan
  • Khalid Rashid
  • K.K. Sinha


Mediastinal tumors, thymomas, mediastinal neurilemmomas


Background: The numerous structures within the mediastinum, make it prone for development of various congenital cysts, benign & malignant neoplasms. Cystic lesions and small tumors are asymptomatic in half of the patients and symptoms develop as a result of compression or invasion. These tumors are thus discovered at very late stages, which proves fatal, or, are diagnosed incidently. Methods: We analysed all resected mediastinal tumor specimens received in Department of Pathology & from few other private laboratories in Rural and Urban areas, in & around Bareilly region of North India. In 10 years duration, a total number of 38 cases were examined. Information was collected from detailed gross & microscopic examination and correlated with that of previous studies. Results: Mediastinal tumors occur more in males, with higher frequency of malignant lesions than benign. Predominant tumors are thymomas occurring in middle age group(20-29yrs), followed closely by neurogenic tumors. Conclusion: This study stresses upon the importance of early screening of all patients with suspicion, with help of radiological modalities along with FNAC & mediastinoscopy. Possible causes of increasing incidence of thymomas in children younger than 16yrs age should be further evaluated.


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How to Cite

Mohan, N., Rashid, K., & Sinha, K. (2011). A Histomorphological Study of Resected Mediastinal Tumors: A Histomorphological Study of Resected Mediastinal Tumors. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 2(4), 14–17. Retrieved from https://www.nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/1932



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