Perception of Medical Students towards Teaching of Pharmacology through Reinforcing Learning Model.

Student Perception of Reinforcing Learning Model.


  • Pankaj Sarkate
  • Sharmila Jalgaonkar
  • Raakhi Tripathi


Reinforcing learning module, frequent classroom testing, didactic lectures, student perception


Background: There is need of novel methods of teaching subject of pharmacology, which will increase curiosity and retention of knowledge. At the same time, the new method should be student friendly and well accepted. Hence reinforcing learning model (RLM) was developed and current study is conducted to assess perception of students about this method. Methodology: The perception of students was assessed on Likert scale using a 15 point questionnaire. The data was analysed descriptively. Results: Majority of the students (more than 50 %) gave favourable opinion about the module. Majority of them gave neutral opinion (40 %) when asked whether the session should be optional in the curriculum. Conclusion: RLM followed by discussion can be a valuable tool to reinforce didactic method of teaching pharmacology. [Sarkate P NJIRM 2015; 6(2):101-104]


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How to Cite

Sarkate, P., Jalgaonkar, S., & Tripathi, R. (2018). Perception of Medical Students towards Teaching of Pharmacology through Reinforcing Learning Model.: Student Perception of Reinforcing Learning Model. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 6(2), 102–105. Retrieved from




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