An Experimental Study On Effects Of Chaturanga Dandasana On Lumbopelvic Stability In Young Girls

Effects Of Chaturanga Dandasana On Lumbopelvic Stability In Young Girls


  • Dr. Jeni Shah
  • Dr. Dipti. V. Thakker
  • Dr. T. Kanna Amarnath


Chaturangadandasana, lumbopelvic stability


Background: Chaturangadandasana is a part of ashtanga yoga, which helps to improve core muscle strength, endurance and overall stability of lumbopelvic region, although there is little scientific evidence that describes its efficacy. Methodology: A randomized control trial was conducted. The study was done in various colleges of Ahmedabad. Thirty six young healthy girls participated in this study. The participants were randomly allocated to A and B groups: Chaturangadandasana group (n=18) and control group (n=18). The participants of both group attended 12 sessions over a period of 3 weeks. The outcome was lumbopelvic stability; tests were performed on pretreatment and after 6th and 12th sessions.Results: After 6 and 12 sessions there were significant improvement in both group in case of within group analysis and in case of between group analysis, improvement was marked significantly in chaturangadandasana group. Conclusion: Chaturangadandasana is the much more beneficial to improve lumbopelvic stability in young girls and by this, it can prevent future back pain in the young girls. [Shah J NJIRM 2015; 6(2):70-74]


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How to Cite

Shah, D. J., Thakker, D. D. V., & Amarnath, D. T. K. (2018). An Experimental Study On Effects Of Chaturanga Dandasana On Lumbopelvic Stability In Young Girls: Effects Of Chaturanga Dandasana On Lumbopelvic Stability In Young Girls. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 6(2), 71–75. Retrieved from



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