Construction Of An Intraoral Nasal Stent For A Patient With Postatrophic Rhinitis Saddle Nose Deformity

Nasal prosthesis


  • Dr. Hemal Agrawal
  • Dr. Rupal Shah


Intraoral nasal stent, inlay nasal grafting, gumfit partial denture, oro-nasal opening


This case report discusses about a 50 years old female who had post atrophic rhinitis saddle nose deformity. The patient was first treated by a plastic surgeon who did “Inlay nasal grafting†and after that a temporary nasal stent was given which served mainly two purposes : 1) initially it maintained the graft in position and 2) secondly it prevented contracture of the graft. Also, a gumfit removable partial denture was given for replacing upper central incisors of the patient which greatly improved her esthetics.


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How to Cite

Agrawal, D. H., & Shah, D. R. (2012). Construction Of An Intraoral Nasal Stent For A Patient With Postatrophic Rhinitis Saddle Nose Deformity: Nasal prosthesis. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 3(5), 144–146. Retrieved from



Case Report