Screen Time Of Child And Its Association With Parent-Child Relationship During Covid-19 Pandemic

Screen Time And Parent-Child Relationship


  • Mruga Trivedi Student, Indira Gandhi National Open University
  • Dr. Ashok Vala Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Government Medical College, Bhavnagar


Covid-19 Pandemic, Online Schooling, Parent-Child Relationship, Screen Time


Background: During the Covid-19 pandemic, schools have started online schooling which increased screen time of children that can have a negative effect on parent-child relationship. The current questionnaire based survey aimed to evaluate the increase in screen time of child and its association with parent-child relationship. Material And Methods: Hundred parents having children in standards 7-12 participated in the survey. The questionnaire evaluated the change in parent-child relationship (before and after online schooling began) based on four important parameters - parental worry about child, child’s behavior towards parent, trust and communication and, quality of time spend together. Result: Out of 100 parents, 1) 26 were satisfied, 54 were neutral and 20 were dissatisfied with method of learning.2) 44 found no noticeable effect, 22 found positive effect and 34 found negative effect on child’s learning due to online classes. Out of 100 children, 1) 31 spent 1 -5 hours, 61 spent 5-9 hours and 9 spent more than 9 hours on screen. 2) Screen time of 69 – increased, 10 – remained same and 21 – decreased.3) 11 were caught sleeping, 26 were found playing games, 37 watching videos, 24 surfing net and 30 using social media during online classes. Conclusion: The present study concludes that: 1) The screen time of child has increased due to online study. 2) Out of four parameters evaluated for parent-child relationship only parental worry was negatively affected i.e. increased due to increase in screen time, while other parameters like child’s behaviour towards parents, trust and communication and quality of time spent together were not negatively affected. [Trivedi M Natl J Integr Res Med, 2021; 12(5): 21-27]




How to Cite

Mruga Trivedi, & Dr. Ashok Vala. (2021). Screen Time Of Child And Its Association With Parent-Child Relationship During Covid-19 Pandemic: Screen Time And Parent-Child Relationship. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 12(5), 21–27. Retrieved from



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