Different methods establishing time since death from skeletal remains

Different methods establishing time since death from skeletal remains


  • Arushi- narinder Chawla' Dr
  • Dhwani Patel


Anthropology, bone, death, time, skeletonization


Estimation of time of death is an intrinsic part of the medico-legal investigation. The forensic anthropologist requires an innate knowledge of the human skeleton, which includes various anatomical planes of reference, the features of skeletal tissue at various levels, internal features of the bone to estimate the time since death. According to various researches ages of skeletons are determined by various methods like DNA profiling, anthropometry. Various changes are observed at decomposing phases which include putrefaction, mummification, and many others. After the skeletonization, various challenges have been faced by researchers. Hence postmortem changes were examined using microradiography, electron microscopy and UV fluorescence examination of the cross section of bones, chemical methods like radiocarbon dating provides information to decode the time of death of skeletal remains. This review gives knowledge about the use of gross examination of bone, physical, chemical methods carried out on the bone for determining the time since death. [Chawala A Natl J Integr Res Med, 2019; 10(4):73-77]




How to Cite

Chawla', A.-. narinder, & Patel, D. (2019). Different methods establishing time since death from skeletal remains: Different methods establishing time since death from skeletal remains. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 10(4), 78–82. Retrieved from http://www.nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/2553



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