A ‘SIMPLE’ And ‘NICE’ Mentor Who Enables His Mentee To ‘GROW’


  • Swapnil Paralikar * Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, Government Medical College, Bhavnagar.


Mentoring, ‘GROW’ Model, Emotional Intelligence


 A Mentor should be ‘SIMPLE’ (S-Engage in Sefl-development, I- show genuine Interest in the mentee, M-be motivated, P-Have a Pleasant Personality, L- Listening (Active ) and Feedback skills, E- Subject expertise, encourage new ideas; and ‘NICE’(N-Networking ability, I- Avoid conflict of interest, C- Challenge, character, credibility, E-Espouse a vision for the future, devote extra time and effort, endowed with emotional intelligence).A model for mentoring would be the ‘FROW’ Model – G- Set Goals, R- check reality, O-Explore options, W- chart the way forward.


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How to Cite

Paralikar, S. (2018). A ‘SIMPLE’ And ‘NICE’ Mentor Who Enables His Mentee To ‘GROW’. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 9(2), 94–96. Retrieved from http://www.nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/2323



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