Awareness Regarding Stroke In Rural Community Of Vadodara

Awareness Regarding Stroke


  • Dr.Alok Parekh
  • Dr.Malay Parekh
  • Dr.Prithvirajsinh Vaghela
  • Dr.Dhara Shah
  • Dr.Vadasmiya Divyeshkumar
  • Dr. Arvind kumar


Stroke, Warning Signs, Awareness, Older people


Background and Objectives: Stroke is a principal cause of death and functional impairment. While older people are particularly vulnerable to stroke, research suggests that they have the poorest awareness of stroke warning signs. This study explored knowledge of stroke warning signs among older adults. Methods: Randomly selected older people (aged ≥ 65) in rural area of Vadodara. Participants completed home interviews. Questions assessed knowledge of stroke warning signs for stroke. Results: Of the whole sample, Less than half identified established warning signs (e.g., weakness, headache), with slurred speech (54%) as the exclusion. In general, there were considerable gaps in alertness with poorest levels evident in those with primary level education only and in those alive in rural area of Vadodara. Conclusion: Knowledge deficits in this study suggest that most of the common early symptoms or signs of stroke were recognized as such by less than half of the older adults surveyed. Thus, they may lose vital time in presenting for medical attention. Lack of public awareness about stroke warning signs must be addressed as one important contribution to reducing mortality and morbidity from stroke.


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How to Cite

Parekh, D., Parekh, D., Vaghela, D., Shah, D., Divyeshkumar, D., & kumar, D. A. (2013). Awareness Regarding Stroke In Rural Community Of Vadodara: Awareness Regarding Stroke. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 4(6), 129–132. Retrieved from



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