Empyema Necessitatis Complicated To Paravertebral Abscess – A Rare Case Of Primary Multidrug Resistance Tuberculosis.

Empyema Necessitatis Complicated To Paravertebral Abscess


  • Dr.Anand Agrawal


MDR Tuberculosis, Empyema Nessacitatis


Primary MDR tuberculosis still very rare 3% approx. in India , here we describe the case of 26 year old male having right sided loculated tuberculous empyema,that complicated to empyema nessacitatis and later spread to paraverteveral region, spleen , and omental lymph node proved to be resistance to rifampicin and isoniazid


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How to Cite

Agrawal, D. (2012). Empyema Necessitatis Complicated To Paravertebral Abscess – A Rare Case Of Primary Multidrug Resistance Tuberculosis.: Empyema Necessitatis Complicated To Paravertebral Abscess. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 3(2), 186–188. Retrieved from http://www.nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/2019



Case Report