Placental Morphometry in Relation to Birth Weight of Full Term Newborn Babies.

Placenta in relation to birth weight of newborn babies


  • Pradeep S Londhe
  • Abhay B Mane


Feto-placental weight ratio, Low birth weight, Morphology, Placenta


Background: In obstetrics the relationship of birth weight and the perinatal outcome has long been appreciated, however an often neglected parameter is the placental changes. Placenta is a vital organ for maintaining pregnancy and promoting normal foetal development. Foetal outcome is adversely influenced by pathological changes observed in placenta. Objectives: To assess the morphology of placenta in normal and low birth weight babies. To correlate the morphometric analysis with birth weight between the two groups. Study design: Cross-sectional descriptive study. Study setting: Department of Anatomy, Chalmeda Anandrao Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh from January to June 2011. Methods: Total 374 human placentae from uncomplicated pregnancies were studied for the morphology and compared between low birth weight babies and normal weight babies. Results: The morphometric parameters of placenta like, weight, volume were significantly lower in low birth weight group compared to normal group. Placental weight and placental volume had significant correlation with the birth weight of new born. Conclusion: The placental weight increased according to the birth weight. Placental parameters and its ratio to birth weight were significantly associated with some adverse pregnancy outcomes.


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How to Cite

Londhe, P. S., & Mane, A. B. (2012). Placental Morphometry in Relation to Birth Weight of Full Term Newborn Babies.: Placenta in relation to birth weight of newborn babies. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 3(1), 67–72. Retrieved from



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