Perceptions Of First M.B.B.S Students Regarding Audiovisual Teaching Aids In Physiology

Perceptions Of First M.B.B.S Students Regarding Audiovisual Teaching Aids In Physiology


  • Shilpa S. Gupta
  • Ashok H Kale


Preference, Teaching aids, Chalk & Talk, Over Head Projector, Liquid Crystal Display


Introduction: Use of teaching aid in didactic lectures plays an important role in the overall impact of the lecture in terms of student interest and learning. It is always recommended, not to get carried away with the use of ever changing technology. Technology always appears fancier, but student preferences and the impact that it makes on learning, should be evaluated before over using it. Aim :- To know I MBBS student preferences regarding use of audio-visual aids in teaching various components of Human Physiology. Methodology: This is an observational study conducted by administering a questionnaire regarding student preferences about various teaching aids used by Physiology faculty during teaching sessions, in SVN. GMC, Yavatmal, from September 2015 to December 2015 on total 181 I(119) & II(62) MBBS students. Results: For teaching aid best suited and understanding of Physiology, 43.10% of the students preferred L.C.D. i.e. 106(58.56%) of the students, opined that traditional Chalk & Board provides maximum interaction with the teacher while 76(41.99%) felt that it induces more sleep than other teaching aids. 118(65.19%) opined that traditional chalk & talk method was best suited for taking down running notes during lectures and 108(59.67%) of the students preferred it tobe combined with LCD. Majority of the students in this study preferred LCD for better understanding of diagrams (41.44%) and flowcharts (43.1%). Conclusion: Senior students are more inclined towards conventional mode of learning through the use of Chalk & Board while the junior batch preferred LCD, which appears fancier to them, initially. This study was conducted on one batch size of students. For better interpretation and results that could be applied at university, state or national level, we recommend a wide spread multi-centric study in medical colleges all over the country, having representation from all strata of students, faculty and policy makers. [Shilpa G NJIRM 2016; 7(6): 51-54]


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How to Cite

Gupta, S. S., & Kale, A. H. (2018). Perceptions Of First M.B.B.S Students Regarding Audiovisual Teaching Aids In Physiology: Perceptions Of First M.B.B.S Students Regarding Audiovisual Teaching Aids In Physiology. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 7(6), 51–54. Retrieved from



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