Perceptions Of Undergraduate Medical Students On Use Of Flashcards As A Mode Of Learning Anatomy

Perceptions Of Undergraduate Medical Students On Use Of Flashcards As A Mode Of Learning Anatomy


  • Dr. Rashmi Patil
  • Dr. Praveen Iyer


Flashcards, Gross anatomy, Perceptions


Background & Objective: Anatomy is one of the fundamental subjects taught to the medical students in
their first year of medical curriculum. Of its many subdivisions, gross anatomy is one of the vast and important
components covered in a short span of one year. The content matter of this subject is very volatile and many
undergraduate students face difficulty in learning and recapitulating it. There are many methods adopted by students
for learning Anatomy and flashcards is one amongst it. This study was thus planned with an objective to design
flashcards for learning gross anatomy, to administer it to the undergraduates for self study revision and to take their
perceptions on it. Methodology: The flashcards for gross anatomy of upper limb and lower limb were designed and
given to the first year undergraduate students of a premier Medical College in Mumbai. The perceptions of the
students on the use of flashcards in learning Anatomy were taken on a prevalidated questionnaire and analyzed.
Results: 90% of the students felt that the flashcards helped them to do a quick revision, memorize the content easily
and thus perform better in the exams. Conclusion: Flashcards proved to be an effective self study tool for learning
gross anatomy [Patil R NJIRM2016; 7(2):110-112]


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How to Cite

Patil, D. R., & Iyer, D. P. (2018). Perceptions Of Undergraduate Medical Students On Use Of Flashcards As A Mode Of Learning Anatomy: Perceptions Of Undergraduate Medical Students On Use Of Flashcards As A Mode Of Learning Anatomy. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 7(2), 110–112. Retrieved from



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