A Study of Primary Cesarean Section in Multipara

A Study of Primary Cesarean Section in Multipara


  • Preeti Bajaj
  • G.K. Kadikar
  • Dipti C. Parmar
  • Manoj Bhatt


Primary caesarean section, Multipara, Fetal distress


Background: Cesarean delivery is one of the most commonly performed operations today. Primary Cesarean section in multipara means first caesarean section done in the patients who had delivered vaginally once or more. Various indications for caesarean section were studied in relation to age, gravidity and maternal, fetal outcome were analyzed. Methods: It was a prospective randomized hospital based study of primary Cesarean section performed in multiparous patient attending tertiary care hospital during August 2015 to August 2016, selected through convenient sampling. Detailed history and thorough examination of the patient was done. Labor was monitored throughout and indications for Cesarean section were noted. Intraoperative details, maternal and fetal outcome were recorded. Result: Out of 1254 caesarean deliveries, 216 primary caesareans in parous women were done. The most common age group was 21-30 years. Most parous women who underwent primary caesarean section, were para 2. In parous women undergoing primary caesarean section, the number of spontaneous onset of labor was significantly more than those undergoing induction of labor. The most common indication for caesarean section in this group of patients was fetal distress. There was no neonatal mortality or adverse maternal outcome. Conclusions: Fetal distress was the most common indication for primary caesarean section in the parous woman, although malpresentation also contributed significant numbers. Primary caesarean sections in women with previous vaginal deliveries, were not associated with any significant neonatal or maternal complications.[Preeti B NJIRM 2017; 8(2):161-163]


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How to Cite

Bajaj, P., Kadikar, G., Parmar, D. C., & Bhatt, M. (2018). A Study of Primary Cesarean Section in Multipara: A Study of Primary Cesarean Section in Multipara. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 8(2), 161–163. Retrieved from http://www.nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/1228



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